Book Recommendation

Just finished reading Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away by R. York Moore. I have a decided reason for every book I read. My motivation for reading this book was that I wanted to be challenged to share my faith more consistently: I was not disappointed.

Reasons I Enjoyed this Book
  1. It was full of stories: Nothing communicates better than stories, especially stories of sharing the gospel with others. In the midst of each story Moore shares his thoughts, challenges and fears. In so doing I felt that I was learning anew how to share the gospel with others.
  2. It was Holy-Spirit saturated: According to Moore " The adventure (evangelism) requires us to listen patiently for the voice of the Holy Spirit." This is not a book of methods, but of God's mission to save the lost, and how we can successfully join Him in that mission
How I Benefitted From this Book
  1. I was greatly encouraged by the response of those with whom Moore shared the gospel. Though not every one placed their faith in Jesus, each one responded in a way that clearly indicated God had been working in their life prior to Moore's interaction with them. "Everyone we speak with is either responding positively to God's work in their life and moving toward him or responding negatively to God’s work in their life and moving away from him. But God is always at work. He is never silent."
  2. I have been stirred to share the gospel with others and have therefore committed to listen for the Holy Spirit's direction more clearly in this endeavor.
  3. Because many of the chapters were specifically targeted in regard to evangelism (Reaching People Close to Us; Reaching People We Don't Like; Reaching People Who Have It All Together; Reaching People Under Satan's Power; Etc.) I gained a wider understanding of the power of the gospel.
Notable Quotes

"The adventure of evangelism is something we do with Jesus, not merely for Jesus."

"I believe the adventure of evangelism is the best way to grow in faith and maturity in Christ."

"Here is the great mystery and profound blessing of evangelism: God is the evangelist who invites us into his work. As we join him in the adventure, we are always changed, always transformed, always challenged."

"It's nearly impossible to experience constant comfort and safety if we are serious about sharing our faith."


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