The first thing we can do to help people respond to the good news of Jesus is pray. The second thing we can do is to eliminate barriers that would cause people to feel excluded. This is why we will take the time in all our meetings to explain why we do what we do, such as how and why we worship, take communion, experience community life and receive offerings, just to name a few.
Many of us have forgotten what it's like to visit a place of worship for the first time. Just imagine what would be going through your mind if you were to visit a Mosque this weekend. You would want to know, "What do I wear? Do I stand, or do I sit? Am I expected to say anything? Will they ask me to give money? Will I understand what they're talking about? Will we sing and if so, what kind of songs?" The whole experience could be rather nerve racking to say the least. This is just a portion of what first time guests feel when they visit one of our church services.
The other reason we’ll explain all “the stuff” we do is the fact that our assumptions create our congregation. If we take the time to explain things, people who come will quickly figure out that this is a place they can bring people who know nothing about God, Jesus or church. If we talk in a language these folks do not understand, or do things they have no idea why we’re doing, they will quickly come to the conclusion that everyone else knows what is going on except them. And now the very people we want to include feel on the outside. Helping our guests understand the various elements of the service will go a long ways toward eliminating barriers that would cause them to feel excluded.
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